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Extension Talks: medidas micro-meteorológicas en huertos Frutales, un ejemplo para cerezos.

Extension Talks: medidas micro-meteorológicas en huertos Frutales, un ejemplo para cerezos.

En esta nueva versión de las Extension Talk, realizada el 19 de noviembre y organizada junto al Centro de Fruticultura de la Universidad de la Frontera, tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer sobre el trabajo de Kosana Suvočarev, Ph.D. Cooperative Extension Specialist in Biometeorology de la Universidad de California, Davis, quien compartió con un panel de discusión con la participación de representantes públicos y privados de la industria frutícola nacional.


Extension Talks: Riego de vides para vino

En esta nueva versión de las Extension Talks UC Davis Chile, contamos con la presencia de Larry Williams, profesor emérito de viticultura y enología, experto en relaciones hídricas de UC Davis y Samuel Barros, asesor de vitivinicultura.

UC Davis Chile participated in Expo Chile Agrícola 2020

UC Davis Chile participated in Expo Chile Agrícola 2020

During September 29 and 30, UC Davis Chile was part of the third version of the Expo Chile Agrícola, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture. The activity, which was 100% online, is the largest meeting point for the agricultural sector in the country, bringing together in one place the most relevant actors in the national agriculture, both public and private sectors.

UC Davis Chile participated in Expo Chile Agrícola 2020

UC Davis Chile participated in Expo Chile Agrícola 2020

During September 29 and 30, UC Davis Chile was part of the third version of the Expo Chile Agrícola, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture. The activity, which was 100% online, is the largest meeting point for the agricultural sector in the country, bringing together in one place the most relevant actors in the national agriculture, both public and private sectors.

Extension Talks: Keneth Shackel y el manejo de riego en frutales

En esta versión de las Extension Talks UC Davis Chile podrás ver la participación de Kenneth Shackel, Plan Physiology, PhD académico de UC Davis especialista en manejo de riego quien presentó, Irrigation management, don´t ask me, ask the tree.


Video con audio en español



Video con audio original

Extension Talks: Vitivinicultura 4.0, aplicaciones prácticas

Revisa una nueva versión de las Extension Talks UC Davis Chile. En esta oportunidad se generó una conversación en torno a "Vitivinicultura 4.0, aplicaciones prácticas", en la que participaron Stanley Best, líder de grupo de especialidad agricultura digital, INIA; Ricardo Rodríguez, director del comité técnico de VSPT Wine Group; Alejandra Acuña, Coordinadora de Agronomía UC Davis Chile y Mauricio Cañoles, Gerente General de UC Davis Chile, como moderador.

UC Davis Chile Extension Platform

UC Davis Chile Extension Platform

After months of work, UC Davis Chile Extension Platform ( is online. The website makes available to users knowledge and information achieved in Chile and California to support the productive decision-making and reducing barriers to adaptation and adopting solutions to agriculture.

Extension Talks: Solutions for Food Loss and Waste

Extension Talks: Solutions for Food Loss and Waste

On Thursday, August 27, the first version of Extension Talks was held, an activity that seeks to link the experience of Chile and California, managing talks by prominent researchers from UC Davis to discuss relevant issues. This time the activity focused on the challenges of prevention and valorization of food losses and wastes, as well as the opportunities presented by organic waste in the agro-food sector. 

Extension Talks: Solutions for Food Loss and Waste

Extension Talks: Solutions for Food Loss and Waste

On Thursday, August 27, the first version of Extension Talks was held, an activity that seeks to link the experience of Chile and California, managing talks by prominent researchers from UC Davis to discuss relevant issues. This time the activity focused on the challenges of prevention and valorization of food losses and wastes, as well as the opportunities presented by organic waste in the agro-food sector. 

The Challenges of UC Davis Chile 

The Challenges of UC Davis Chile 

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way in which work is configured in its different areas. Priorities have changed, relationship with others have changed, international physical mobility has become severely affected. However, this has also encouraged us to improve international cooperation and communication effectiveness.