Presentation of the Corfo project "Water Information and Modelling Center (CIMHi)" to the General Water Office (DGA)

Due to the sanitary emergency, the presentation meeting of the Corfo project 18BPE-93815 "Central of information and hydric modeling (CIMHi in Spanish)" to the General Water Office (DGA in Spanish) was carried out via video call, last April 22nd. 

On behalf of the DGA, its Director, Ernesto Ríos and the professionals Juan José Crocco, Carlos Flores, Andrea Osses and Pamela García participated in the activity. From UC Davis Chile, Mauricio Cañoles, General Manager, Alejandra Acuña, Agronomy Coordinator, Rodrigo Riquelme, Partnership Coordinator, Javier Camaño, Hydrologist and Roberto Fuentes, Consultant, participated.

The objective of the meeting was to present the project that UC Davis Chile is developing; specifically the site This is available since November 2019 with information for the users of the Aconcagua River basin.

reunion DGA


The CIMHi Project consists of a hydrometric web platform that delivers online information and simulations from a hydrological model developed by UC Davis Chile, WEAP, Mod Flow Nativo and the DGA. DGA acts as a client, guaranteeing the sustainability of the project in all its stages.

CIMHI allows users to access online information from pluviometric stations installed by the DGA's and the river Surveillance Boards. Also allows access to meteorological data, such as rainfall and temperature.  It is also possible to understand the hydrological behavior of the basin since 1950, through the results of the model being developed by UC Davis Chile and DGA.

The information contained in CIMHi, will allow supporting water users, such as Surveillance Committees, canal operators associations, groundwater communities, among others, in strategic decision making, such as water distribution, irrigation season planning and water resource availability, aiming to a general understanding of the hydrological processes that occur in the Aconcagua river basin.


Figure 1. Hits or visits to the CIMHi website between January and April 2020




